Sunday 21 July 2013

Hop, skip and a jump away from a better you

So, if i told you there was a way to enjoy your favourite summertime treats - guilt free - would you be interested? Of course you would...

This isn't the part where i talk about the benefits of going to Zumba 4 times a week, or hitting the gym every morning (of course those things are great however), I want you to think outside the box and find ways of getting a hit of activity, while making the most of the warmer weather :)

So where to start... well, lets start with the basics :) 

*WALKING - this is the easiest way to get some extra activity ProPoints clocked up. Walk everywhere... to the shops, to the town, to the school to pick the kids up, to the park - just walk for walkings sake - especially in the evening after dinner when its cooler. Maybe get the family out with you and have a 30 minutes stroll and bond at the same time.

*CYCLING - again, like walking, its free and easy to do. Substitute the car with a bike and you will get lots of sunshine and fresh air, while earning ProPoints. There are lots of cycle routes around and you might find some lovely picnic spots along the way that you may never have known about before.

*SWIMMING - some of you may be lucky enough to have your own pool, if so - make the most of it :) If not, then what about cooling down from the summer sun with a lovely dip in the water. Be it the Sea, at a leisure centre, even a huge paddling pool in your garden - it all counts, and its a great toning activity too.

What about the more unusual?

Hula Hooping?
Roller Blading?
Football with the kids?
Row Boats?

The possibilities, and opportunities are endless.

Wearing my pedometer this week has really opened my eyes to how little i actually do when the weather heats up! These brilliant little gadgets are programmed with your height, weight, stride length and gender - it then accurately measure how many steps you do on a daily basis along with the distance. When you get to a healthy "beep" all the movement you do after that builds up and earns you ProPoints that you can either eat... or save to boost your weight loss :)

If you need to alter your normal routine around to fit in with the warmer weather, so be it - a cycle ride in the evening, a quick run in the morning - So, it really doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do something!

Thats it for this week - enjoy the sunshine :)

Becky xx

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